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Hoilday Cinnamon Scents > Cinnamon 'Gingerbread' style Kids
Cinnamon 'Gingerbread' style Kids

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Price: $5.99
Availability: This product is out of stock; We are working hard to make more, please come back or continue shopping.

4" high X 3.5" wide X .25" thick

They come with a small 'rope' hanger to hang on the tree or anywhere around your house. You can even refresh the scent from year to year with our specially blended cinnamon oil. (order here) 

Choose from Boys or Girls. 

Each of these accents are handmade and 'one of a kind' and subject to availability. Yours will be slightly different (decorations, colors of bows etc) 

Please contact us for details on availability @ 678-924-1700 or email us



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